Jun 2, 2008

Ups and Downs

This has been a very frustrating week with regard to my diabetes. Last week, I was doing extremely well - meaning that I was following my new meal plan and my blood sugar counts were excellent. I felt like everything was under control and I was even feeling a bit cocky about the whole thing. All I had to do to conquer this thing was cut out a couple of things from my diet and up my exercise just a bit. No problem!

Then it all came crashing down on me. My blood sugar counts started to increase and it didn't (and still doesn't) make any sense. No orange juice. No Coke. No cookies or sweets. I was sticking to my 1/3 cup of pasta or rice (in fact, I wasn't even eating any since there's almost no point when you can only eat 1/3 cup of it!).

I do my best to get in my range of "carb choices" for each meal and snack, but when your stomach has been shoved into the upper fourth of your torso, it's not easy to eat that much food. Plus, when I did reach those goals, my blood sugar would spike at my 2-hour post-meal check. I've had to do a little tweaking on my own to try to get those numbers back down to where they belong - increasing my exercise and cutting down to one less carb choice per meal. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

I see my OB/GYN this afternoon for my regular prenatal check-up and to review my blood sugar numbers. I'm crossing my fingers that the numbers aren't so high that I need insulin. Tomorrow is my follow-up with the dietician to review my numbers and possibly tweak my diet, and then on Thursday, I have my follow-up with the diabetes counselor.

This is so confusing and frustrating. I only have 9 weeks to go (if the baby doesn't grow too big due to the diabetes). I know I can get through this, but I'm starting to stress about what I eat and how many carbs I've had. Too many? Too few?

I'll know more later this week. Right now I'm thinking about lunch...

1 comment:

Marie said...

Wow, sorry you are having such a tough time of it...I hope things get better for you and the little one. These last weeks should be the happiest, the nesting weeks!!! Hope things go well with the Dr. visits and things get under control! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!