Apr 10, 2008

23 Weeks and Counting...

I know some people who are taking pictures every week, but to be honest, a) I keep forgetting and b) I don't see much change on a weekly basis. So here's what I look like now (this was taken on Sunday when I was exactly 23 weeks):

I've definitely moved out of the I-look-like-I've-had-too-many-Krispy-Kreme-donuts phase. I felt stuck there for a while. However, I still don't think strangers think I'm pregnant. I'm sure one of these days I'll be huge and will miss the "Krispy Kreme" days...


ACE said...


Thank you for your kind note the other day. I do hope you are right that all will be well and I will conceive soon!

Congrats on the new kitty! He's adorable.

Jason said...

Hopefully this isn't too weird of me to say, but...

...your tummy is adorable. :-)