Sep 14, 2007

I'm Special...So Special

I had my annual visit to the eye doctor this morning. Without boring people with the details, I'll cut to the chase. I'm nearsighted with astigmatism. I've worn glasses since I was six years old (occasionally I wear contacts). My left eye can be corrected to 20/20, but my weak-ass right eye can only be corrected to 20/30. A few years ago, my eye doc back in Chicago ordered some strange tests, but never really said why I needed them. I didn't really question it until around 2002 when I found myself sitting in a room waiting for a special eye exam with a bunch of senior citizens. Something was not right.

OK, so this story is not really cutting to the chase - sorry. The bottom line is that I have optic nerve damage/atrophy (this cannot be reversed) which I should not have at my age. After a series of tests (including a visit to the University of Iowa Hospitals), I've been placed in a "special" group. I officially am "Glaucoma Suspect".

Whatever. My eyes suck. I'm going to curl up on the couch and watch some TV.

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