Dec 2, 2006

What I Should Be Doing

I should be cleaning out the dishwasher
I should be putting away the fall decorations and replacing them with Christmas ones
I should be folding laundry
I should be organizing the MESS in the spare bedroom
I should be doing something constructive

Instead, I'm sitting at the computer, typing away, listening to music, and wishing that I didn't have to do any of the above activities. I'm home alone, which is nice, but there's no one to talk to.
I enjoy the holidays, but am not really looking forward to them this year. My family is dealing with a lot right now and it doesn't seem like anyone's heart is into this season. I think we're all looking forward to January - a new year, a fresh start.

I'm dreading going to church on Christmas Eve. Being the only Catholic in my new family, it looks like I will be going by myself. I know I'm going to cry and I would really like someone to go with me. It might help me tone down the tears.

Tonight we're decorating the Christmas tree and making a gingerbread house. At least that's something to look forward to...

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