Oct 29, 2007

What I've Been Doing the Last 5 Minutes

*Paying bills
*Waiting for our server to be connected at work so I can start my day
*Sitting in part workout clothes, part jammies in front of my laptop at home
*Wishing it had been my Cubbies that won the World Series
*Waiting for the Excedrin to kick in
*Watching the clock because I have to get food in the crockpot by 8:30 AM
*Flipping through old issues of Advancing Philanthropy
*Being shocked that I only owe $14.20 for my mammogram
*Reminding myself that I need to start keeping a "What I'm Grateful For" list (see the above item regarding the mammogram)

1 comment:

Marie said...

I will wish for the Cubbies for next year (unless ofcourse the Sox are in the playoffs/series). Thanks for stopping by and reading my personal post. I hope that things work out for you the way you want...I will keep you in my thoughts where that topic is concerned. A "What I am grateful for" list sounds like an awesome thing to start!