May 25, 2006

Let's Try Something New

I could have written about all the changes going on recently - most of them not very good. In fact, on Tuesday night I started to write about everything, but grew tired and empty. I still want to write about all that "stuff," and most likely will very soon, but thought that I should try something new. Something fun.

I have been trying my hand at scrapbooking. I read the magazines and am in awe of the creativity that exists out there. I don't consider myself to be very creative, but I do love taking pictures and writing, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Basically, I kind of stink at it, but I chalk it up to my beginner status and the fact that I am a perfectionist, which means that nothing will ever live up to my own standards (horrible curse!).

I took my first stab at digital scrapbooking. It has taken me a while to even figure out what I'm doing, but I finally came up with a layout. Kind of basic. Maybe a tad boring. However, I did it. I'm going to try to post it here. It's a picture I took off our balcony when we were in Cancun for our honeymoon.

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